

Product and Service Description Worksheet
Designer working on product plan draft for chair with pencil in hand

Whether your product 或服务 is new to the marketplace or has been around for a while, 建立一个清晰的, 简洁的, and easy-to-understand description for it is critical.

A product 或服务 description is marketing copy that explains why your offering is special or unique and why customers should buy it. 它有多重要?? 非常. 一项电子商务研究 attributed 20% of online purchasing failures to incomplete or unclear descriptions. 这是很强大的东西.

Descriptions go beyond marketing, however. In formulating the copy and asking yourself some insightful questions, you might discover new elements that distinguish your offering from that of the competition. Or, you might become aware of an issue that changes how you produce or distribute it. This can affect not just your marketing, but your production quality, cost, and profit margins.

SCORE’s Product and Service Description Worksheet can help you write better marketing copy and answer customer questions before they’re asked.

不知道从哪里开始? 没有问题. SCORE’s Product and Service Description worksheet will walk you through the process. 填写方法如下:


Use this block to identify the product, 的想法, 或服务 you want to describe. There is no need to get too detailed here, but this is where you can try out different names for your offering to see what sounds best.


You’ll want to use this block to identify the value your product, 的想法, 或服务 brings to the market. This is where you can explain how your offering:

  • 减轻一个痛点
  • 填补空白
  • Improves on an existing product/service
  • Solves a problem your target audience might be experiencing


This is where you get to differentiate your product, 的想法, 或服务 from competitors in the marketplace. It could be that your offering improves upon a well-known existing concept or introduces something completely new to the market. 但这并没有结束.

The story behind your offering can make it unique, as well.

  • Does it contribute to the greater good?
  • 它消耗的能源少吗?
  • 它会颠覆整个行业吗?
  • How else is it different than your competitors?

These are all questions you should be asking yourself when determining the distinctive characteristics of your product 或服务. 


This is where you prepare for barriers that might ultimately keep your offering from integrating into the market. Start by taking an objective and critical eye to what could block your access to new audiences, prevent customers from embracing it or stall production or distribution altogether. Ask yourself these important questions:

  • 是不是太贵了??
  • Does it have a short shelf life?
  • 它需要装配吗??
  • 需要特殊包装吗?
  • 它需要更多的员工吗?
  • 它的其他限制是什么?

通过回答这些问题, you’re not only formulating ways to counter the arguments against your product, 的想法, 或服务, but you’re also identifying weaknesses that you can work to improve. If you’re asking these questions, you can bet your customers (and competitors) will be, too.


Not only will your customers want to know how your offering is produced, but they’ll also want to know how quickly they can take advantage of its benefits. Use this block to analyze how your product, 的想法, 或服务 is produced and distributed, and build a narrative around its craftsmanship, 质量或周转时间. 


Maybe part of your description will discuss where your product 或服务 comes from, 谁拿着它?, 或者它是如何产生的. Use this block to answer questions about how your offering is sourced and how that impacts the overall customer experience.


最后! This block is where it all comes together. Look back over the worksheet and identify the most compelling answers you provided. These are the building blocks of your offering’s narrative. Don’t feel obligated to use information from every block; it may not be necessary. 不过,请考虑所有这些问题. Once you’ve determined the key components of your offering, 是什么让它与众不同, 如何进入市场, 以及它的局限性, you can then begin to build your description. Use this block to bullet point the items you want to highlight, then pull them all together into a cohesive narrative.


If you’re struggling to develop powerful product 或服务 descriptions for your offering, fill out this worksheet and have a 皇冠现金官网的导师 look it over to give you feedback.

Young casual businessman pitching concept to room of team members
It’s every entrepreneur’s dream to come up with the perfect new product guaranteed to fly off the shelves.How do you market your new invention?

Copyright © 2024 SCORE Association, SCORE.org

Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. 小企业管理局. 所有的意见, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

